The planned results from the SENSIBAT project are mentioned per topic below. The results are documented in reports. When a report is finished and available you will be linked to the document by clicking the title in the overview.
Work Package 1 | Specifications, requirements and testing plan

The objective of this WP is to realise an overview of the requirements at sensor, cell and module level and a test plan taking the defined sensor, cell and module requirements into account
Work Package 2 | Level 2 sensor design, prototyping and small cell integration

The main objective of this WP is to realise novel sensing technology consisting of printed auxiliary electrodes
Work Package 3 | Cell integration of sensors

The main objective of this WP is to realise dedicated battery cell technologies based on NMC Li-ion batteries in pouch format for the baseline cells and with integrated level 1 and level 2 sensor technologies.
Work Package 4 | Data processing, state functions and advanced BMS

- BMS-slave demonstrator supporting the read out of cell-integrated level 1 sensors
- BMS-Master software environment
- BMS-slave-equipped battery module based on the series connection of at least six 5Ah prototype pouch cells with level 1 sensors
- Advanced module-level state estimators based on level 1 sensors
- Advanced state estimation algorithms based on level 2 sensors
Work Package 5 | Testing, validation and assessment (performance, cost, disassembly and recycling)

The main objectives of this WP are:
- To have validated final pouch cells with integrated (level 1 and level 2) sensors meeting the requirements specified in WP1
- To have validated final modules including BMS meeting the requirements specified in WP1
- To have a cost benefit assessment of the batteries including sensors
- To have a recyclability assessment of the cells (including sensors) and the module
- To have validated assumptions, targets and hypotheses relating to cell and module with respect to performance and safety – quality, reliability, lifetime, identification of defects.
Work Package 6 | Dissemination, communication and preparative exploitation activities

Work Package 7 | Coordination and Management