VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH, with registered office in Graz (AUT), was founded as a joint venture between the battery manufacturer VARTA Microbattery (Ellwangen, DE) and Graz University of Technology (AUT). The business purpose of VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH is R&D in the area of electrochemical energy storage systems. Within VARTA Micro Innovation both the industrial fabrication know-how from VARTA Microbattery and the basic research know how from Graz University of Technology for various electrochemical energy storage systems are merged together. This unique configuration enables VARTA Micro Innovation to perform a fast transfer of new developed technologies into production state.
The main contribution of VARTA Micro Innovation is located in WP3. In WP3, VARTA Micro Innovation will manufacture electrodes and (5Ah) pouch prototype cells. Furthermore, VARTA Micro Innovation will support the other project partners with its knowledge in cell designs, cell production and will provide the knowledge of an industrial manufacturing process for the partners. VAR will also be the Exploitation Manager.

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“The development of sensing technologies will pave the way to minimize battery degradation”